1. Keep Aaron Cutting - An idea that came from BBH Lab's BBHBarn. It's about connecting young poeple with old people through technology for the great good of the community. A touching story that has raised over £25k in a few days.
2. The making of The Shining - Stanly Kubrik gave his 17 year old daughter a camera and asked her to document the making of the film. Some great behind the scenes of Jack being Jack. It's the only way Jack can be.
3. Transmedia holds back storytelling - Interesting article in Wired from Paul Bennun on how the phrase 'Transmedia' is holding back storytelling.
4. Hello Kitty Digital Video Camera for £25 - I might have to buy one of these just to see what you get for £25. Amazing.
5. Drugs and Lego - A strange yet interesting film from the 70's featuring children discussing drug use whilst building lego structures.
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